Eva Bartlett: where do you get your funds from?

So agent Eva cannot stop lying.

She wants to convince us that she managed to live 9 years without any paid employment, travelled around the world and lived in foreign countries for the whole period of 9 years with less than $6000 she fundraised on Go Fund Me 2016?

The hotel she stays in Damascus usually is Beit Al Wali hotel (as seen from picture she circulated and attached here). It costs $70/night to stay there. In Aleppo, similar rate. The same in Homs and Latakya (maybe less than this at around $50/night).

So let us calculate again:
-  three months in Syria at a rate of $50/night = $4500. This is every time Eva visit Syria. This is the cost of accommodation only. She visits Syria twice at least every year. This means the cost of accommodation = $9000.

- Add to this the cost of travel from Beirut to Damascus and return of $150 each way= $600 if visited twice a year.

- Food costs at least $7/meal x30 days= $210.. in 3 months visit= $630. If one meal in a day only.

- And one taxi a day of $2 x90 = $180 each 3 months visit. Of course a taxi between cities are more expensive. But let us ignore it.

- Visa charge is $130 each time. So $260 each year if visits Syria twice a year only.

- Travel from Canada to Beirut: The cheapest ticket will cost $1000 off season with many stops. Unless she travels from Canada to Lebanon walking or by bicycle. Twice a year (at least) = $2000.

So without any expenses of alcohol, second meal sometimes, coffee and tea... the total at least every year is around $12,200.

We noticed that she fundraised only once and collected $6000 in 2016. She visited Syria 6 times. We can calculate roughly that she spent at least $36,000. She fundraised $6000. So where did she get the $30,000 from?

Of course we did not include the cost in Lebanon, which is triple more expensive than Syria. We also did not include her travel and stay in other countries: US, UK, Palestine....

Cannot you stop lying Eva? can you tell us some facts? Name us the hotel and exact rate you pay. Can you?


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