The 8 Lies of Vanessa Beeley

We know very well that Vanessa Beeley is very upset after we exposed her.

Dear Vanessa, it is not very professional to make up lies, especially if you want to continue claiming you are the greatest champion of “truth seeking” and “investigative journalism”.

Soon after our story on her claims that the Syrian army committed torture against Syrians, instead of explaining where she got such information, she decided to attack Jamal Daoud by accusing him of all kinds of ridiculous things.

For any “investigative journalist” (as she claims to be), the first comment should be “stick to the point” as “proving” that Jamal Daoud is a criminal or spy does not prove that you are not! Correct us please since you are a champion of investigative journalism!

A real truth seeking investigative journalist does not need to fabricate lies about opponents.

Now let us count how many lies she made in the post made most likely by the academic with a murky past Tim Anderson (attached below)

1- Jamal Daoud is Palestinian-Australian as defined by himself and by Australian authorities. In the last census he ticked “Palestinian heritage” for the question about Ethnicity. It is not up to a colonialist like you, a daughter of colonialist politician who created the Palestinian misery to define who is the Palestinian and who is not. Jamal Daoud on several occasions offered to present you and Tim Anderson documents from UNRWA about his Palestinian origin. But you insisted to lie. LIE #1

2- Pretends to be friend of Syria: again it is not up to colonialist white supremacists like you who knew about Syria only mid 2014 to decide who is Syria’s friend and who is not. In fact, Jamal Daoud publicly stated that Syrian army had saved the whole world from terrorism, unlike your claims of the Syrian army torturing Syrian civilians ( In addition to all his efforts in this regard that landed him in serious deep trouble with extremists, including attempts to kill him and his kids. And unlike your version of investigative journalism, he can provide you with documents about all this. LIE #2

3- Jamal Daoud is a recognised and registered veterinary doctor. Unlike your friend, the academic with murky past Tim Anderson who claims that he is a professor while he is no more than a “senior lecturer’ with no title near “Professor”. Again, Jamal had offered both you and your academic with a murky past to send you the documentation about his graduation from university and his work and research as Veterinarian. By the way, Veterinarians in Australia and in Jordan are called Doctors. LIE #3

4- Jamal Daoud was acting as travel agent: advertising for tours to Syria.. only. He never claimed that he issues visas or approves ones. Andy Spyer, a British journalist who was on your friends list and still friends with many of your gang members, could successfully evade detection from Iraqi, Lebanese and Syrian authorities and visited all these countries several times. If Syrian, Lebanese and Iraqi intelligence agencies could not detect Spyer’s Israeli passport, how do you suggest that Jamal had the capabilities to do so? Where does your investigative journalist capabilities evaporate here? LIE #4

5- Jamal was banned from entering Lebanon in a covert intelligence operation by CIA, Australian Federal Police (AFP) and former Lebanese Justice minister Ashraf Rifi, who is very close to Saudi Arabia and a supporter of ISIS and Jabhat Al Nusra (unlike your gang’s suggestion that Ashraf Rifi is a Hezbullah general… how dumb of you and your illiterate gang members). Again, this ban was to destroy Jamal Daoud’s noble initiative to help Syria by sending Peace Tours and prevent him from entering Syria. Jamal Daoud published written documents from Australian Federal Police admitting of conspiring to ban him from entry to Lebanon. Do your investigative journalism capabilities suggest to you now that CIA, AFP and Ashraf Rifi cooperate with Syrian authorities to ban Jamal Daoud for his suspicious activities? Was it not easier for Syrian authorities just to ban Jamal from entering the country by stopping issuing him a visa, instead of asking Lebanon on November 2015 to ban him from entering Lebanon. Jamal had visited Syria twice after Lebanon ban. LIE#5

6- Jamal was banned from entry to Syria: we are not aware of such an issue. And investigative journalism requires you and your academic with a murky past to provide evidence of this. Otherwise it is fabricated news. LIE #6

7- Jamal and our group had raised tens of thousands of dollars for Syria. We are proud of this achievement. Jamal and many of our members delivered the donated money to needy Syrians and we have evidence. Attached is receipt of $10,000 we fundraised April 2014 and was handed to Moslem Alawy in Sydney, who used the money to buy a container of wheelchairs for Syrians victims of terrorism. 

Jamal also delivered by hand tens of thousands of dollars during his visits to Syria.

 Some of these delivery were recorded on video and was published (( . 

Some links are here. Jamal and our group still send regular money to Syria to help needy Syrians, some through Western Union and others through friends travelling to Syria. LIE#7

8- Jamal had questioned your claim that Syrian army committed torture against Syrian civilians. In journalism, this is called investigative journalism. For you it is called cyber-stalking and abuse. All what we need from you to come forward and give us a logical explanation and some evidence. LIE #8

Let us count here: you made up 8 lies in a brief amateur infograph. And you still call yourself “truth-seeker”? What kind of truth do you seek?

More to come about your spying agendas and activities


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